Elisar Haydar

Elisar Haydar is an Ottawa based illustrator focused on making fun, weird, and exciting comics that tell stories about introspection and interpersonal relationships. When not doing that, Elisar is running a homebrew D&D campaign and collecting fun earrings.

Elisar graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Illustration from Sheridan College in 2023.

Pictured featuring their mother(’s hand).


︎ ehlihr@outlook.com
︎ LinkedIn


Hons. B.A. Illustration - 2023
Sheridan College

Art Fundamentals - 2019
Sheridan College


  • Tundra Books (Penguin Random House)
  • Harper Collins Canada
  • The Feathertale Review
  • Sheridan College
  • Innovative Arts, Oakville

Awards + Press

Brenda Clark Book Prize - 2023

How Bill & Ted Is Inspiring A Whole New Generation - Nerdist

Publication Credits

Pointy Things, Rory G., edited by nim c., 2023

A Glitch In the Garden, Sheridan College, Creative Humanities, 2021

Catching Criticality: A Zine About Critical Theory, Sheridan College, Creative Humanities, 2021
Researcher and Illustrator

︎ CV & Resume

︎ Prints
︎ Digital Storefront + Tip Jar
︎ Shirts


When not collecting fun earrings or playing dungeons and dragons, Elisar is telling weird and funny stories with their illustrations, using bold colours and stark lines.

Hons. B.A. Illustration - 2023
Sheridan College

Art Fundamentals - 2019
Sheridan College

︎ CV & Resume

© Elisar Haydar 2023